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Die rechte Bienen-Kunst: aus bewehrter Erfahrung zusammen geschrieben …

 Author: von Caspar Höffler  Category: Beekeeping, Classic Text, German Text  Publisher: 1614  Pages: 385  Language: Deutsch

The right art of bees / Written together from proven experience: .. Weyland / published in part for 46 years by Nicolao Jacob Schlesiern: Now, however, neatly brought into three books / … , Denning Grosser, Leipzig 1614,

  • The first book (of bees’ nature …),
  • The Ander book (on the use of bees),
  • The Third Book (of Maintenance of Bees)

Other Books From - Beekeeping

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The right art of bees / Written together from proven experience: .. Weyland / published in part for 46 years by Nicolao Jacob Schlesiern: Now, however, neatly brought into three books / ... , Denning Grosser, Leipzig 1614,

  • The first book (of bees' nature ...),
  • The Ander book (on the use of bees),
  • The Third Book (of Maintenance of Bees)

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