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Honeybee pesticide poisoning – A risk management tool for Australian farmers and beekeepers

 Author: Daryl Connelly  Category: Beekeeping  ISBN: 978-1-74254-386-4  Pages: 97

This booklet enables beekeepers and farmers to identify pesticides that are toxic to bees, and provides information that will help them manage the risk of honeybee poisoning. The booklet also contains a number of useful forms, contact details and other relevant information.

Some of the topics include:

*  the importance of commercial pollination to the horticulture industry
*  the importance of commercial pollination to beekeepers
*  pesticide toxicity – including a list of pesticides toxic to honey bees
*  managing the risk of honey bee poisoning
*  responding to a poisoning event
*  useful forms and contact details
*  Appendix 1 and 2 – detail the horticultural and broadacre pesticides known to be toxic to honey bees in Australia – alphabetically sorted by active constituent and by product name

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This booklet enables beekeepers and farmers to identify pesticides that are toxic to bees, and provides information that will help them manage the risk of honeybee poisoning. The booklet also contains a number of useful forms, contact details and other relevant information.

Some of the topics include:

*  the importance of commercial pollination to the horticulture industry
*  the importance of commercial pollination to beekeepers
*  pesticide toxicity – including a list of pesticides toxic to honey bees
*  managing the risk of honey bee poisoning
*  responding to a poisoning event
*  useful forms and contact details
*  Appendix 1 and 2 – detail the horticultural and broadacre pesticides known to be toxic to honey bees in Australia – alphabetically sorted by active constituent and by product name

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